Blog Archive

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Apr 08 – The Parting of the Ways …….

Apr 08 – The Parting of the Ways …….

But before we start.....

STOP PRESS.......................................................
(Ref Blog date Feb 20th)   Ari Friedlaender's work with attaching camaras to humpback whales in Antartcia has just hit SKY NEWS.  Ari and his team were on our ship thoughout the entire voyage and allowed us to share the inside information about tagging and we watched and filmed from our ship. Now this footage is on SKY NEWS ONLINE so you can see the stunning underwater video. see it here HUMPBACK WHALES  You might also recognise some of the images !!
Its nice to be around for something groundbreaking.

We all headed back by minibus to Cusco airport where we headed off in opposite directions.

Sheena and Eileen are off to the jungle on the border of  Peru and Bolivia and Janette, Steve, Mandy and Paul were heading for Lima.

We will continue to post pictures and text from Sheena and Eileen in the jungle as we receive them but be prepared for delays as they probably won’t have internet !!
See Sheena and Eileen Section in each days blog ..........first one below

Very sad to say goodbye, it’s been a blast being all together in Peru and what a great way to celebrate a 60th birthday…….we’ll miss them !!

Our flight landed in Lima mid afternoon and Steve was just beside himself to be at a low altitude !!The altitude sickness that has dogged him for the last 3 weeks forgotten, his appetite came back and he could drink alcohol again……… time !!

Lima is on the coast and our hotel in Miraflores was in a great location, 20 minutes walk from the sea and in an area with lots of nice shops and markets within walking distance.

Our travels in Bolivia and Peru so far have been a culinary desert and we were all desperate for a good meal and some seafood both of which Lima is famous for. We headed off to a recommended local restaurant which was not fancy but did the most fantastic ceviche and great seafood. We had a really good meal with drinks for not a lot of money. Just what we needed !

No images from us today, just travelling....

Apr 08 - SHEENA and EILEEN

The Peru two head to the jungle

This morning the six of us travelled to Cusco as a group for the last time and said farewell to Janette, Steve, Paul and Mandy before catching a flight  to the southern Peruvian  jungle. We've  had a lot of laughs along the way and there was yet more hugging and kissing as we went off in different directions. 

An hour after leaving a comfortable temperature of 14c, Sheena and Eileen  arrived in Puerto Maldonado to a stifling and humid 32c. Our transfer to  the lodges at Hacienda Conception was by  motorised canoe as there is no road access and after a quick turn around, we were off on our first  guided jungle walk -  already the mosquitoes are taking a shine to Eileen! 

We sampled  some living termites as eaten by the native community and tried cocoa fruit pulp regarded as sweets by local people. 
This  evening  we went on a  river cruise and spotted  several  white caiman (small crocodiles) lurking near the riverbank. The humidity is exhausting and after a some good food, we fell asleep to the unfamiliar sounds of the jungle.

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